A crash course in how to turn a holiday into a festival event. Step number one must be to hang out with the wrong people, step number two would be to give said people enough time to let their imaginations run riot. And good old step three is going in for it with full enthusiasm and helping with the tech needed to make it happen.

Poetry Against Darkness: An International Multilingual Poetry Reading was held online Friday, April 5, at 12:45 p.m. Organized by Case Western Reserve University Cleveland Ohio. We were broadcasting from Helsingborg to Ohio, with other groups of poets from all over the world. Alesia Ribalta my publisher, translator and friend represented Cuba and introduced Jonas Ellerström (Sweden), me Colm Ó Ciarnáin (Ireland) and Dominic Williams (Wales) to the event that was organized by Damaris Puñales-Alpízar, Associate professor at Case Western Reserve University.

Having arranged a little two day trip with Magnus Grehn from Magnus Grehn Förlag down to the Öresund to visit Alesia Ribalta in Helsingborg, Louisiana Museum and more friends in Malmö, we told everyone, and started to make plans as one does. Unknown to us “evertone” were also doing the same. Dominic Williams flew in from Wales so we extended our trip to be with him some more and Jonas Ellerström took the train down from Stockholm therefore things were moved in schedules. Because! Alesia “The Fixer” organised us all participating in an event in Cleveland university Ohio USA. All shall gather and celebrate the new home of Alesia, and so we did.

And I hear you ask about this Magnus Grehn! Where is he? Why did he not read? Why isn't he in the pictures? What role did he play in these happenings? Well obviously because he is not real, a fictitious being created for the sake of a good story, a small fairy of a thing in the imaginations of poets who hyphenates the personal and communal, we mention him to perpetuate beauty of inner feeling, depth of meaning, and imponderables of all individuals. Magnus Gehn the bedazzle of poetic fundamentals.
As for the rest of the trip and what happened after....