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And there you go, I say I dont compete with poetry but still won a place in the regional finals by accident - Poetry Slam 2024 Tranås

It was a quiet day doing final preperations for the Poetry Slam event at Kultiveras place in conjunction with the town Library. The Tranås 2024 Poetry Slam was the last in the region, one week before the regional finals.

Everything was in order, the tec was tested and working no problem, the Slam Master was changing into costume, we even found the top hat for gathering the contents of peoples pockets and bags to be the prize for the winner. As the public and competition came in it was noticed that one of the competitors was missing then another then another.

We had to have a certain number to have a valid competition. So I was asked to join in. It would have been unfair for the people who came over 120km to compete if the competiotion was going to be invalid over such a detail.

I won the first round, no worries I shall choose a bad poem that no one shall like. I won the next round, Screw it I cant be part of the regional finals anyway and perform Peace at Last and wiped the bord. Well that was a bit arogant and over dramatised, but I did win.

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