with my peanut fatty salted fingers I destroy a book of love
intimacy relationship love
the realm of fantasy
brought up in faiths proclaiming
the transformative power of love
so many with no clue how to
the easiness we experience loves loss
and explain its absence
we can’t talk of its presence
we want to know more about love
we want to seduce those who are loveless
the strength of our desire not diminishing our uncertainty
bombarded by its failure
surrounded by its importance
love does not change our uncertainty
love does not inform decisions
strengthen understandings or community
disappointed that love makes not much sense
our longing not altered
we still love the promise
This poem was published in Golden Hour - Hora Dorada
you can buy it by send a message with your address to
colm@ciarnain.com it costs 12€ + postage
here at Litteraturcentrum Kvu
