passengers sitting in seats 16 to 34
enter the plane by the rear sorry about the rain
sit back relax and enjoy the flight!
we are 25 min late now on take off
hope you don't miss any connections
sit back relax and enjoy the flight!
snoozing at last let us disturb you
announcing our brilliant magazine
sit back relax and enjoy the flight!
great offers from Pringles to Dior
oh so sorry but they are all gone
sit back relax and enjoy the flight!
we have some fantastic scratch cards for you
pitched to appeal to your middle class angst
sit back relax and enjoy the flight!
an old man pukes and faints because of the heat
they didn't charge him for the ice and water
sit back relax and enjoy the flight!
soon we shall be coming round with the hot food
a few of the dishes might be available
sit back relax and enjoy the flight!
excuse me but the woman beside me is not wearing a mask,
ah shur no worries sir
sit back relax and enjoy the flight!
made all this up due to waiting for a delayed take off
and it all happened as if planned
so sit back relax and enjoy the flight!
