wood pigeons in the trees cooing create feelings of home
as my lifeless flat hair here styles different as the wind off the Catalan streets give way to turquoise sea air-conditioning our experience of sitting in November warmth wrapped in arms
or energetic sporters striding through waves
or young men and women here and there doing weights
or exercises at playground spots wood and rope
and me now
walking under fishing lines as lazy pigeons hang with pizza boxes just like the teenagers
or the techno hoodie babes dancing
or the tightrope acrobat practitioners
or circle of yogaists in their best place by the roadside walkway strand palms
or selfies for Christmas cards or Instagram
or the lone string knickered arse shining in the heat orange globe splashing down on the thick silver wet of the sea
or trade wind coordination sail gliders appearing in the skies in great numbers
or the walkers
or joggers
or cyclists
or old couple trotting along with naked feet on the sands energy giving impulse to all of this
a strand walk without her smile.
