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How did it go - I have just sat down with my phone you have not written for quite some time...

I have just sat down with my phone

you have not written for quite some time

your message says your loving is over

your place, your home is no more.

I never got to have tea there

as was promised each other before.

she unfriended you on Facebook

and now yer world's deceased.

was it a show, a performance of kind,

did your friends cheer you on as you realised.

or was it one-sided and not understood.

just you concerned, and It all so obscene.

did you make tea, did you roll a fag?

did you put on old music?

and if so did yer friend come round?

can you dump the bubble?

on that messenger shit

or are you forever there click,

click clickidy click.

yes relationships are

and it is always hard to know

the corners of right and wrong

and when it’s time to let go

did you move on quick, or did you hang around?

did she friend ya again?

Or did it all come crashing down? Mister, how are ya now

This poem was published in Golden Hour - Hora Dorada

you can buy it by send a message with your address to it costs 12€ + postage

and on Amazon: Sweden - Spain - Germany - UK


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