And there you go Beer Book is released into the world. The inspiration coming from Anthony Jones and his tendency to barter poetry books beer. I asked five very close friends to go through over 50 poems and mark them with Yes or No and fron that the 21 poems in the book were chosen. The book is only worth as much as a beer costs and should be left in a pub or cafe for someone else to to read in the hope that any page they open they shall find a poem that can be as good and entertaining as a simple beer.

Book Release July 2024 at Babar night club
After a great week of culture and half an hour after finishing tech for an event Dominic Williams and I started to talk in earnest as to how we were going to do the book release in this venue that was much bigger than we had originally planed for.
It was decided to chat with each other and read poetry to each other and totally ignore the audience that contained many poets, performers, friends, one of my daughters and a lover, and a lot of strangers! We shall knock their socks off with our witt and charm, if we could just get into the right head space. I didn’t get into the right head space answering with short yes no answers, us misinterpreting each other once and looking for a poem that wasn’t in the book but another that had been released in Swedish.
It was going swimmingly, pity I can’t swim. All our theatrical fumbling gracefully through the beginning lead to powerful readings and emotional memories leading many to say afterwords how wonderful it was to see men talking openly about themselves and their feelings. We were a bit bemused as we thought it was just another night on the verandah at best and really rather stiff.
The release was a success and appreciated by a great crowd and I would like to thank everyone who helped and encouraged me in the making of this little book.
Colm has put up all the poems as individual posts from Beer Book here: Poems
And you can listen to the poems from Beer Book being read by Colm you can also download each individual poem if you want: Audio
Some articles about the book.
Click the text for the full article
- Seher Uysal
- Peter Nyberg Mollung
- Johanna Hammarström
If you would like a copy of the book
you can just send a message with your address to it costs 65 SEK + postage
you can also buy it here at Litteraturcentrum Kvu