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Periferi - Peace at Last / Äntligen ro published in Swedish at long last.

Periferi #12 called to me from the post box that I sometimes visit when I remember to or when I know there is something coming my way. And this week just in time for Easter reading Tidskriften Periferi was there waiting for me.

Others in the magasine include Michael Economou, Andreas Björsten, Colm Ó Ciarnáin, Umberto Piersanti, Gabriele Greco, Stefan Albrektsson, Bo Bjelvehammar, Magnus Grehn with poetry, Eve Östberg foto and Tereshchenko Kostiantyn illustration.

A great thanks to Periferis publisher Lars Andersson for choosing Äntligen ro which is translated by Frank Bergsten and including the humorous illustration created for the poem by the Ukrainian artist Tereshchenko Kostiantyns.

This is the first year I have released anything in Swedish and so far everything has been translated, but this shall be the first year I release poems written in Swedish and if I'm lucky they shall be also coming out at the end of the year in a book...

You can get a copy to read and support poetry by contacting 70 kr.



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