Transformation - illustration and poem / "Трансформація" – ілюстрація та поезія
Transformation - 180x120cm - paper pencil - 2016 / "Трансформація" – 180x120см – папір, олівець – 2016 textures from nature in so many...

Exit - illustration and poem / "Вихід" – ілюстрація та поезія
Exit - 180x120cm - paper pencil - 2014 / "Вихід" – 180x120см – папір, олівець – 2014 worker ants who crossed over to understandings of...

Enlightenment - illustration and poem / "Осяяння" – ілюстрація та поезія
Enightenment - 180x120cm - paper pencil - 2017 / "Осяяння" – 180x120см – папір, олівець – 2017 etched and scratched in a jungle eyes of...

Constantine Tereshchenko from Kherson Ukraine and I have collaborated on some of his larger art projects / Констянтин Терещенко з Херсона, Україна, і я співпрацювали над деякими його великими арт-прое
Constantine asked me if i would be interested in doing some responses to his art in poetic form. Earlier I had invited him to illustrate...

Ghosts - Привиди - …і це зовсім неймовірнопривиди, що смикають мене,діляться історіями з мого життяз забутими деталями.
…і це зовсім неймовірно привиди, що смикають мене, діляться історіями з мого життя з забутими деталями. Вони танцюють у моїх думках і в...

Som tidigare samlingar jag haft nöjet att läsa av Kiernan, är det en rytm och ett flyt i dikterna som är medryckande och målande.
"Bara för att bevisa att det finns annat att göra/Just to prove that there are other things at work" är en kort men uppslukande samling...

I forgot the buzz - I forgot the buzz of planes- as there awoke -
I forgot the buzz of planes - as there awoke - flew low over my hotel balcony rhythmically chiming with the Incessant torrents of water...

Periferi journals autumn edition is out now with two of my poems, Spöken and Midnattsmåne...
The 2024 autumn edition of Periferi is out and I have bought 6 copies to spread good poetry, and a good bonus is having two poems about...

Midnattsmåneen - midnattsmåne blinkarsom i en film i ögonvrångenom persiennerna
en midnattsmåne blinkar som i en film i ögonvrån genom persiennerna när jag böjer mig ner för att plocka upp det hopskrynklade papperet...

Söndagsintervju med Colm Kiernan av Nicko Smith, mer poesi åt folket....
Söndagsintervju med Colm Kiernan av Nicko Smith, mer poesi åt folket....

Beer Book release July 2024 - its never too late to quit, but can you!
And there you go Beer Book is released into the world. The inspiration coming from Anthony Jones and his tendency to barter poetry books...

Beer Book och Golden Hour - Colm Kiernan arbetar i en berättande dikt tradition där en scen etableras, nyanseras och sedan vrids till i slutet.
...Under 2023 kom Colm Kiernan, till vardags mastermind bakom kulturföreningen Kultivera i Tranås, ut med två böcker: Beer Book på CHAP/...

Fick du! - my first ever poem written in Swedish!
"Fick du" is my first ever poem written in Swedish. My favo translator into Swedish felt unemployed as he couldnt translate it he read it...

A quiet trip down to Malmö that turned into an international poetry reading in Cleveland Ohio.
A crash course in how to turn a holiday into a festival event. Step number one must be to hang out with the wrong people, step number two...

Kiernan writes with a greater awareness of rhyme and tone, making the poetry flow. I got to hear him read some of the poems...
Kiernan writes with a greater awareness of rhyme and tone, making the poetry flow. I got to hear him read some of the poems

And there you go, I say I dont compete with poetry but still won a place in the regional finals by accident - Poetry Slam 2024 Tranås
It was a quiet day doing final preperations for the Poetry Slam event at Kultiveras place in conjunction with the town Library. The...
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Ad Lucem have published Ghosts / Spöken and on St Patricks day no less.
Ad Lucem NR 1 2024 arrived on the internet to celebrate St Patricks Day ,Irelands national Holiday and the day ironically I became a...

Periferi - Peace at Last / Äntligen ro published in Swedish at long last.
Äntligen ro which is translated by Frank Bergsten and the illustration for the poem by Ukrainian artist Tereshchenko Kostiantyn

A poetry reading for Tampa International Book Fair that turns into a wonderful mish mash of cultural stories involving Tranås, Herman Norrman, José Martí and the Swedish Academy
On the 10 March I had the great opportunity to read at the Tampa International Book Fair with Alesia Ribalta who invited me as well as...

There is no great drama, no desperation or tragedy, nothing exaggerated - Beer Book
There is no great drama, no desperation or tragedy, nothing exaggerated or underlined, it is the ordinary side of life and things. It...

Verandor - bara för att bevisa att det finns annat att göra hösten stannade upp för en dag för att dricka portugisiskt vin...
bara för att bevisa att det finns annat att göra hösten stannade upp för en dag för att dricka portugisiskt vin ta en fika på det vanliga...

Montering av betydelser - aspekterna av mitt hus inredningen är inte klar överallt behövs detaljer den där saken annorlunda vad nöjd...
aspekterna av mitt hus inredningen är inte klar överallt behövs detaljer den där saken annorlunda vad nöjd jag skulle bli få lite mer...

Brödtexten magasine have taken my first two translated poems and published them in Swedish.
So very cool to have my first Swedish translations published in Brödtexten a regional publication produced by Litteraturhus Jönköping who...

End of Year
The year draws to a close A lifetime is thrown away And us to sign our names in dust For what does one live Is it today Cos tomorrow is...

in Zinnkrugs we fly! - taking the seat on the plane at the same time as on the train...
taking the seat on the plane at the same time as on the train starting completion of synchronicity she talked of Mona Lisa and her lovers...

Vrol - But if you are going for a walk why do
But if you are going for a walk why do it alone why not share it with a cow if you do it right you might get a friendly face licking what...

Sitting on kitchen chairs - Like a cat powered dream all soft and slow piano fine clocks and time...
Like a cat powered dream all soft and slow piano fine clocks and time running on rhythmic hops from topic to thing food pushed aside the...

Bum - Your bum is a most beautiful thing in sexy underwear but actually even more beautiful in...
Your bum is a most beautiful thing in sexy underwear but actually even more beautiful in no underwear at all

Sunday drivers - things start to slow down in expectation of normality a sense of sensibility...
things start to slow down in expectation of normality a sense of sensibility stopping for control is a regularity not questioned it is a...

Feathers - there are soggy trampled feathers on the floor there is gin on the small tables...
there are soggy trampled feathers on the floor there is gin on the small tables there's sparkling tassels in the air, Mercury rising...

Days Christmassing - here where the sky is low freezing fog with damp in the air on the paths ...
here where the sky is low freezing fog with damp in the air on the paths ice and snow the smells of burning wood come over small lights...

His poems have an ironic and satirical edge, while at the same time being sensitive to the search...
Tranås poet Colm Kiernan makes his debut in English and Spanish. His poems have an ironic and satirical edge, while at the same time...

Colm reading at Festival de Poesía Animal Sospechoso Barcelona 2023
I had the wonderful opertunity to go to Barcelona to meet old friends and to release my book Hora Dorada - Golden Hour published by Al...

Raki Poem - I had to choose between cleaning and hummus so I poured myself a raki
I had to choose between cleaning and hummus so I poured myself a raki

Summer Streets - the morning after a party to be alone today everyone late for work and tired...
the morning after a party to be alone today everyone late for work and tired even those who didn't have a dot to drink the slats of our...

Tides - turn that light out I thought as I lay back in the sand and looked up at the glaring moon...
turn that light out I thought as I lay back in the sand and looked up at the glaring moon therapeutic madness ebbing and shuddering...

Questionable - love is a weird motherfucker...
love is a weird motherfucker the one who says they understand it is on their death bed or lying

Consistently Inconsistent - and Wi-Fi is more of a concept than a thing here a bit like the...
Consistently Inconsistent and Wi-Fi is more of a concept than a thing here a bit like the reality of the British empire existing in...
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Naked - a can of beer proclaims no rainy days and always better together watching rain lashing...
a can of beer proclaims no rainy days and always better together watching rain lashing thoughts of summer on the verandah as rolling...

Rain Down on Me - lashing down softly but enough to drown - floods of water as I head off to...
lashing down softly but enough to drown - floods of water as I head off to the editor - dodging through a sea of umbrellas I stop at Ayşe...

Application To Grant Body - depraved boxifications of peoples concepts and non real relations...
depraved boxifications of peoples concepts and non real relations retaliations cursed vilified amplify applications apps amped energies...
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Living Room - wood pigeons in the trees cooing create feelings of home this as my lifeless flat...
wood pigeons in the trees cooing create feelings of home this as my lifeless flat hair here styles different as the wind off the Catalan...